Real Food Forever

Real Food Forever

Farm Market

Farm market purchaseTook a different route home from work today to avoid accident traffic on the highway and saw a farm market called Rock Hill. I pulled in they had some nice, healthy plants out front that were only $1.50-$3.50.

I went in and saw on the chalkboard that throughout the seasons you can drive back to different fields and pick your own. Today you could pick strawberries, blackberries, and rhubarb. The guy gave me a little map and I went back for strawberries and rhubarb. I’ll serve some of the strawberries to the B&B guest tomorrow before breakfast, and use the rest with the rhubarb to make a pie. I would’ve picked blackberries but I had a water and three cups of coffee at work and hadn’t gone to the bathroom, so I was in quite a hurry to get home and still had at least a 20 minute drive.

Strawberry Field
Strawberry Fields

Inside the store was a wide variety of vegetables. I bought everything shown on my table for about $18 – that includes the plants (flowers and chives), grass-fed milk from their own cows, over two pounds of strawberries, the rhubarb, swiss chard, bib lettuce, beets, cucumber, and a pound of shiitake mushrooms. I’m really excited about this affordable market. They also have bread, jams, and all kinds of stuff. Next time I’ll take a picture inside the shop.

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