Real Food Forever

Real Food Forever

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Author: kbrenner

Serving sweet potato casserole.
Sweet Potatoes

Why am I making sweet potato casserole when it’s not Thanksgiving? Because we can have it year ‘round – especially in the winter when our

Jamie standing with five school kids in front of a rainbow painting.
Food TV

A Cornell research group studied how women get their recipes and its relationship to weight gain, and found that watching food television or using social

Green eggs on deviled egg serving plate.
Green Eggs

Happy St. Patrick’s Day if you happen to celebrate, although I hope it’s not with anything that has green dye in it – I think

Serving bars in a strawberry bowl.
Cereal Bars

I found the Clean Plates Cookbook[1] that I told you about last Tuesday, and slightly modified their recipe for Kitchen Sink Almond Butter Snack Bars.

Buttering a piece of soda bread.
Soda Bread

Although I don’t have the slightest fraction of Irish blood in me, Tony has a history of getting Irish soda bread at Radford’s Bakery (long

Seed packets and starter pot.
Starting Seeds

Ace Hardware had seed starter plant pot gardens on sale today for $3.99 so it cost about $15 to get the potting soil, four packs

Serving salmon patties on bed of kale.
Salmon Patties

We’ve had a rough week here, passing a bug around, so it’s a resounding TGIF where we look forward to staying home and recovering over

Cow with UPC symbol on it.
Food Inc.

The movie Food, Inc. is a documentary where guest nutritionists, naturopaths and general doctors, journalists, and farmers weigh in on topics of industrial food, organic

Serving glazed scones on a sailboat plate.
Everything Scones

Here’s a basic recipe for simple, professional-looking scones and you can add any dry ingredients you want to jazz up the flavor. I modified the

Clean Plates cookbook.
Clean Plates

Clean Plates is a restaurant review system designed by Jared Koch (pre-med graduate of University of Michigan, by the way!). It covers restaurants in New

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