Real Food Forever

Real Food Forever

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Author: kbrenner

Serving cauliflower soup with parsley garnish.

It’s almost spring! At least close enough to start thinking about getting seeds started for the garden. I was reading the back of a pack

Stack of pancakes covered in berry syrup on eskimo towel.
Fruit Syrup

It only takes a few minutes to make a special syrup that will give your pancakes or waffles an attractive appearance and much improved flavor.

A block of lard looks like white butter.

Everyone knows now that trans fatty acids increase your risk of heart disease and stroke and are associated with a higher risk of developing type

Serving the stuffed shells on depression glass plate.
Stuffed Shells

One time I was in the gourmet foods aisle at Marshalls, or maybe it was Home Goods, and I found a package of naturally colored

Serving teriyaki paneer on clear plate over Indian cloth.
Asian Fusion

  One time I bought this really pretty cookbook called Good Food Made Simple Vegetarian.[1] I can’t remember when or where I bought it and

Scarlet queen turnip cut in quarters.
Root Bean Bake

There was a basket at the farm market full of what looked like giant radishes. Some of them were the size of softballs. The farmer

Serving roast on platter surrounded with vegetables.
Rump Roast and Onions

My daughter needed green onions for one of her recipes and, while shopping for them and not knowing exactly what they are, my husband bought

Two-yea-old girl brushing family's show cow.
Nutritional Degeneration

Last Saturday I wrote about what factory animals eat and this spring I’ll address the nutrients produce absorb from the earth. How these topics affect

Platter of banana pancakes.
Sunday Brunch

While I was still asleep this morning, Tony found a couple of recipes on a British website (BBC Good Food) for using up two over-ripe

Cakves in flowery grass.
Animals Are What They Eat

Animals raised in factory farms eat diets designed to fatten them quickly and inexpensively. Factory meat at the supermarket costs half what it did in

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