Real Food Forever

Real Food Forever


My purpose for this site is to learn to celebrate food by bringing families as much as possible back to eating right off of local farms, as cleanly and easily as possible, to ensure we’re eating real food and not stuff that has gone through an industrial process, been transported around the world, or been injected or covered with chemicals. I hope to do it in a way that creates pleasure in meals so food is a positive, beneficial, affordable, and joyful experience.

Documenting the process of how to change a family’s diet back to one based on real foods will:

  • Show if we can do it and how, along with our other responsibilities. Our ancestors may have lived off the land, but maybe they were on farms, had stay-home parents, were way smarter, etc.
  • Calculate the costs of eating the cleanest (additive-free) food possible.
  • Share the learning process so other people can see how it will work for them, be affordable, why, and that they can start with the knowledge here and take a short cut to start celebrating real food in their own lives.

I hope to share a wide variety of recipes that I’ll modify – and simplify – to fit our new food rules and life, which may evolve as we live and learn. Eating is a daily occurrence so I intend to post a topic, recipe, or something for each day of our first year Getting Real.

Latest Blogs

Ginger Ale

When I was a kid, if one of us were sick, we would get to sip on glasses of Vernor’s. Vernor’s was a Detroit company that produced a ginger ale with a bit more bite and fizz than other ginger ales...

Sugar vs HFCS

On the way home from Common Market, I realized I forgot to get an avocado which I needed to make the guests omelets for breakfast, so I stopped at the local grocery store. Near the produce section was...

Wine Allergies

Merry Christmas! I hope you are celebrating life somewhere warm and snuggly with something healthy to eat no matter what holiday(s) you do or do not celebrate! The best Christmas dinner I ever made...

Breaded Lamb

Happy Christmas Eve! I hope you are not scurrying about trying to finish shopping, wrapping, or cooking, or at least are doing so in good cheer and not desperation. I had many desperate Christmases...

Founding Farmers

Finally I have a friend at work that likes to lunch at some interesting and foodie-type joints once a while – it only took me 12 years to find someone. This is the same person that accompanied me to...

Vanishing Variety

One of the downsides of industrial agriculture is the elimination of variety of species. The supermarkets sometimes carry only one type of produce item (like carrots), and at most 3-4 apples...