During the time period when I had depression, one time I went to an acupuncturist through my health insurance, and she gave me a page of guidelines on how to eat based on my blood type. The same week, I went to a naturopath doctor, and he gave me the identical page. I took that as a sign, and started following the guidelines. Shortly afterwards, my life drastically improved. I can’t guarantee that it was solely the diet, since I was trying other things at the same time, but it was the one thing I stuck to absolutely for four months, had excellent results, and continue to take into account every day.
You do not have to get sicker as you get older. Falling apart doesn’t have to go hand in hand with aging. Falling apart is usually caused by the effects of inflammation. The premise behind Eat Right 4 Your Type, is that your blood type is the control valve of your immune and digestive systems.[1] It determines how well you can process food, and when you cannot it causes inflammation leading to illnesses and disease. Dr. Peter D’Adamo, a naturopath doctor, developed four diets for the four blood types. There are “highly beneficial,” “neutral,” and “avoid” choices for each blood type. For example, Type O is the original blood type, and should avoid wheat but thrives on lean, organic meats. Dr. Adamo also gives more specific guidelines, such as what to do if you’re a type O vegetarian. His first book details the scientific and anthropological reason for the four distinct blood types, and his follow-up cookbook balances nutrition and chemistry and how to use the right food for your particular body as your medicine. There are menu plans and even exercises that go with each blood type.
You do not necessarily know when your diet is causing inflammation if you are not troubled by weight, illness, or disease, but the effects of the wrong diet are cumulative. When I gave my dad, who has my same blood type, the diet he said, “I’ve been eating bacon for 80 years and it has never made me feel bad, so why should I stop now?” He has had a couple of heart attacks, surgeries, and several blood transfusions. And I’m not saying it’s because he ate bacon, I’m saying that he may not realize how much the foods that are not biologically suited to his makeup are affecting his life.
The top priority for Type Bs is to avoid is chicken. Chicken contains a Blood Type B agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue. That means it makes your blood cells clump together. Although chicken is a lean meat, the power of an agglutinating lectin attacking your bloodstream gives it the potential to lead to strokes and immune disorders. Dr. D’Adamo suggests that you wean yourself away from chicken and replace it with highly beneficial meats (for type Bs) such as goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit, and venison. When the naturopath doctor showed me my blood enlarged on a computer screen, the blood cells were all clumped together with only a few of them finding a pathway through the maze. After dropping chicken for five months, my blood was circulating like normal. It’s really amazing.
Type As should replace animal proteins with vegetable proteins, and type AB should make seafood a staple. I’m just giving you a few super basic highlights. All blood types should eat organic, at least starting with meat and poultry and washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and exercise right for your type. Now you know why sometimes I say that I “avoid” foods, like chicken and shrimp. It isn’t because they aren’t yummy. Dr. D’Adamo does share my philosophy of keeping your diet reasonable, though. If I’m at a wedding and they have spicy steamed shrimp, I’m going to enjoy it!
[1] “Cook Right 4 Your Type,” by Dr. Peter D’Adamo, Berkley Books, Jan. 2000.