Real Food Forever

Real Food Forever

Juice and Water

When looking at fruit juice labels, get 100% juice with no high fructose corn syrup or sugar, artificial colors, or other additives. The downsides of 100% juice are that it’s still processed with, for example, enzyme treatments, filtration, and pasteurization and can contain several different juices. It also doesn’t have the dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin C of the real fruit,0 but has the calories and natural sugar of the fruit (fructose). Still, it’s better than other fruit drinks and soda
Volunteer to work in the school lunchroom one day to learn what most kids throw away. One thing I learned was to send a reusable drink bottle with the lunch and only put in the same amount of juice that comes in a juice bag, about 6-8 ounces so the rest doesn’t get dumped. They should really be drinking water throughout the day, so at least a few days a week fill the bottle with tap water (filtered if nec). It’s practically free and the best way for all of usto hydrate. If people are not brushing their teeth well after drinking, that’s another good reason to drink water instead of juices or sodas, and juices and sodas should not go in baby bottles. You may have seen a mother was sentenced to prison (March 2024) for the malnutrition death of her child that she fed Mountain Dew in a baby bottle.
Switching to a reusable bottle will decrease waste and save money because after the initial bottle purchase, the juice is much cheaper to buy in large bottles. On sale at the grocery store you can get 64 oz of 100% juice for about $2-3 (no added sugar, preservatives, or colors).

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