Here is a fall recipe based on one in the Good and Cheap PDF referenced Thursday. You can see in the photos that my husband followed the recommendation of grating frozen butter. I probably would use...
Last Friday I talked about cruciferous vegetables which include Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are a great source of isothiocyanates, one of the biologically active compounds formed in the...
I still had one zucchini and one squash to use that were starting to look a tad wrinkly. I had a recipe in mind from the time I read the June Bon Appetit magazine while I was getting a haircut, so I...
I had another load of cherry tomatoes starting to go bad on the vines again, and Tony pulled this recipe from his AARP magazine just in time. He prepared the tomato mixture (slightly modified) the...
When I was at the nearby farm, England Acres, to cut a bunch of dill to make pickles last weekend, I picked up a flyer for an organization called Fermentation on Wheels. They have a traveling culinary...
I got a great dinner idea from a friend and his wholesome-food-loving, young chef kids, Brendan (3 years old) and RJ (6 years old) in Washington D.C. They went to Larriland Farm in Woodbine, MD, to...
Another great day for canning and this time I made pickles. My cucumber plants are dry already so I bought 13 cucumbers at the farmer’s market for $4.00. This amount made seven jars of pickles so it...
The West Frederick Farmer’s Market moved from the north side of W. Patrick to the south side. You have to take Walnut behind the Red Horse restaurant and it ends on Oak, then go to the United...
Today I send warm thoughts to everyone on this anniversary of a painful day in our world’s history, especially for anyone who lost someone. Or even for survivors who may sometimes wonder what we’re...
I was running late and my husband was getting home first. I asked him to look up a recipe for beets because I had diced up 4 or 5 beets and had them in a container in the frig. He found a recipe...
There was a bizarre advertisement on the side of my yahoo email account. It was for Velveeta macaroni and cheese and, besides a picture of the product, there was a picture of a basic car with a really...
I just realized that I never posted my B&B specialty: raspberry sunflower seed butter granola pancakes. I even referenced it on one of the seasonal eating pages — how I substitute...