For the first time I attended a birthday that had a fruit cake – not a fruitcake, but a cake made only out of fruit. It was for a child’s first birthday. I’ve met a few mothers over this past year that do not give their babies sugary desserts like typical cakes and cookies, but until now I’ve seen them splurge on the first birthday cake for the sake of pictures. But isn’t this kid every bit as adorable eating fruit? In fact, if I envision him smearing processed frosting full of trans fats and high fructose corn syrup all over his face, it kind of grosses me out.
This a great recipe idea for summer parties and makes a spectacular centerpiece for the table. To make it work for a birthday, pick one of the fruits, in this case it was blueberries, to arrange in the birthday year on one side. I’ve seen some recipes that frost the watermelon with whipped topping but it works perfectly well without it. It’s a bit easier to remove the rind if you cut the watermelon in half first and then re-assemble with toothpicks, as shown.
Watermelon Fruit Cake
1 watermelon
Mixture of any fruit you like
Flaked coconut if you want to further decorate
Cut the watermelon in half through the center. Cut the rind off in sections. Reassemble the two halves and hold in place with toothpicks. Attach all of the fruit you want in any design using toothpicks. Sprinkle with coconut.